() |
() |
$item_query = mysql_query("select * from ".$db_prefix."sxolia ".$cond." and status='1' order by comm_date DESC limit $start_from,$on_page") or die(mysql_error());
$i = 0;$k=0;
while ($item = mysql_fetch_array($item_query)){
$id = $item['id'];
$onoma = $item['onoma'];
$email = $item['email'];
$comments = stripslashes($item['comments']);
$comm_date = $item['comm_date'];
$j = $i + ($page_tit1-1)*$on_page + 1;
if ($counter %2 ==0)
else $bgcolor="#ffffcc";
/// onMouseOver=this.style.backgroundColor='#f0f8ff' onMouseOut=this.style.backgroundColor=''
///border: #336699 1px solid;
if ($k == 0) { echo " | "; $k = 1;}
else { echo " "; $k=0;}
$counter++; $j++;
if ($abc > 10){
$this_test = $abc / 10;
$this_test = ceil($this_test);
$count = 1;
$to_write ="| ";
while ($count <= $this_test){
$number = ($count * 10) - 10;
if ($number != $start_from){
$a = "".$count." | ";
else {
$a = "".$count." | ";
$to_write .=$a;
if ($start_from != 0){
$start_from_2 = $start_from - 10;
$to_write_2 = "Preview results ";
if ($abc > ($start_from + 10)){
$start_from_ = $start_from + 10;
$to_write = $to_write_2.$to_write." Next results";
else {
$to_write = $to_write_2.$to_write;
$counter = 0;
$item_query = mysql_query("select * from ".$db_prefix."sxolia ".$cond." and status='0' order by comm_date DESC limit $start_from2,$on_page") or die(mysql_error());
$i = 0;
while ($item = mysql_fetch_array($item_query)){
$id = $item['id'];
$onoma = $item['onoma'];
$email = $item['email'];
$comments = $item['comments'];
$comm_date = $item['comm_date'];
$j = $i + ($page_tit1-1)*$on_page + 1;
if ($counter %2 ==0)
else $bgcolor="#ccffff";
if ($k == 0) { echo ""; $k = 1;}
else { echo ""; $k=0;}
$counter++; $jj++;
if ($abc2 > 5){
$this_test2 = $abc2 / 5;
$this_test2 = ceil($this_test2);
$count2 = 1;
$to_write2 ="| ";
while ($count2 <= $this_test2){
$number2 = ($count2 * 5) - 5;
if ($number2 != $start_from2){
$a2 = "".$count2." | ";
else {
$a2 = "".$count2." | ";
$to_write2 .=$a2;
if ($start_from2 != 0){
$start_from2_2 = $start_from2 - 5;
$to_write2_2 = "Preview results ";
if ($abc2 > ($start_from2 + 5)){
$start_from2_ = $start_from2 + 5;
$to_write2 = $to_write2_2.$to_write2." Next results";
else {
$to_write2 = $to_write2_2.$to_write2;